Friday, July 16, 2010

WTIAS No. 3 - Larry Mullen

Sugiro tentar uma vez sem ler.

You dont ____ me ____ my ____ is a ____  one 
because ___ life ____  ____ since I ____ HIV ____.
___ I ____ my life ____  the  ____ of the ____. 
____ the doctor, ____. They ____ everyone ____  me.
They ___ their ____  reasons I suppose ____ its  ____
Always ____   ____  ____ for everything
Always ____ for ____

___ my ____ but the real ____  ____ of someone ____  to live ____ the stigma we ____  to people ____  with or ____  by HIV.

The  ____  ____ there is ____ good treatment ____ HIV but  ____  ____ the treatment ____ the way the ____  of  ____ think.